Meet Donna

Hello and welcome to my little world of colour!  

Working from my home studio I paint colourful abstracts in an expressionistic style. My paintings depict my own internal experience of places I have visited.  When I experience any sense of joy, awe or connection with a place and with natural beauty I aim to express this with paint and any other mark making tool.

My current passion is inspired by the rocks, stones and cliffs where the land meets the sea and the organic beauty that is revealed at their point of contact.  

I am fascinated by the world we live in and the colours that surround us.  I have been painting since I was a child growing up on the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago. It was there that my love for the sea, nature and creativity began and continues till today.  I am also grateful for the diversity of cultures, the creativity of the Carnival and the tropical beauty of the islands that I grew up with because they continue to inspire my love of colour.

I came to London in my early twenties to do a Foundation in Art & Design and I had every intention of entering the art world but curiosity and interest in the human psyche won through.  I sidetracked into a career as an Arts Psychotherapist and after many years in the field of Psychotherapy I am now responding to the pull of the paint and art materials. I have spent the past few years becoming re acquainted with the painting process and falling in love with it all over again.

I work intuitively with a variety of art media from acrylic, oil, watercolour, ink and collage to digital work on the Ipad. I enjoy experimenting with new art materials, pushing them to their limits and curious about what the outcome will be. I may start on canvas, paper or the iPad by making marks and I listen to the painting as I work following where it wants to take me. I make studies in sketchbooks and experiment with paint on different types of paper to see what will emerge all the while staying curious to what I can learn and how I can develop further. My favourite place is sitting in the middle of my studio surrounded by paint and colour. 

If you are interested to know more about my creative process and would like to follow my works in progress as they happen, you can find me at and